SAE Sustainable Configuration

Variant and quotation management with a focus on sustainability

It is more important than ever for companies to be in a position to use its products in an energy-efficient and resource-saving way. This is particularly important for investment goods, which have a long economic lifetime and thus a strong impact on a company’s eco-balance.

SAE CPQ provides users with an overview of the sustainability level of the available product variants during product configuration through the SAE Sustainable Configuration function.

With the help of the defined sustainability features, product variants can be selected during sales conversations that both match the application requirements of prospective customers and also have a high degree of sustainability.

The product variants can be easily evaluated via features in the configuration, e.g. emissions, water consumption or power consumption. These values are displayed to the users in real time during the guided configuration for each available and 100% buildable product. The most sustainable product in terms of characteristics is clearly visually identified and the most environmentally friendly alternative is visually highlighted.

Advantages of SAE Sustainable Configuration at a glance:

  • As a manufacturer of machinery and equipment, you demonstrate ecological awareness and responsibility for the environment
  • You support prospective customers already in the purchasing phase to make a sustainable product selection and thus to positively influence their eco-balance.

  • You differentiate yourself from the competition with a sustainably structured product portfolio

  • You achieve the improvement of the ecological footprint of your company with your own sustainability strategy